Present perfect. Make questions using the adverb given. 08 Mar, 2020 By Olivo 0 Comments 0 Grammar Exercises, Present Perfect Exercises 1. Lucía has lost her keys. (What) 2. He has broken two glasses. (How many) 3. I have met Gray. (Who) 4. She has bought a phone. (What) 5. He has had a cold for a week. (How long) 6. They have freed the parrots. (What) 7. He has chosen the blue shirt. (Which) 8. He has left because he was tired. (Why) 9. They have gone to Utah. (Where) 10. It has been interesting because it has suspense. (Why) Loading … Please follow and like us: TAGS : I have donemake questionspast participlepresent perfectpresent perfect simplev Share