Choose the correct option. 16 Nov, 2020 By Olivo 0 Comments 0 Be used to, Get used to, and Used to Exercises, Grammar Exercises 1. She finally __________ wearing glasses. usually got used to used to 2. She __________ play much when she was a child. wasn’t used to didn’t use to didn’t usually to 3. I __________ buy from them. I love their products. am used to usually use to 4. __________ you __________ living alone? do; usually are; used to did; use to 5. He __________ collect baseball cards when he was a kid. got used to used to usually 6. We __________ get together on weekends. We never miss it. are used to use to usually Loading … Please follow and like us: TAGS : be used to exercisesEnglish exercises onlineget used to exercisespractice Englishused to exercises Share