Adverbs of manner and adjectives. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. 22 Mar, 2020 By Olivo 0 Comments 0 Adverbs Exercises, Grammar Exercises 1. She talked to them _____. angry angrily 2. He thinks _____ of you. high highly 3. She jumps _____. high highly 4. They play tennis _____. good well 5. He cooks _____. delicious deliciously 6. He was in an _____ mood. angry angrily 7. She made a _____ dinner. delicious deliciously 8. She speaks English _____. fluent fluently 9. They had a _____ tennis match. good well 10. He speaks _____ English. fluent fluently Loading … Please follow and like us: TAGS : adjectivesadverbs of manneradverbs of manner vs adjectivesEnglish grammargrammar exerciseslearn Englishpractice English Share